What is Nostr Protocol?

Nostr is a protocol, designed for simplicity, to create a censorship-resistant global social network.


The protocol is based on very simple & flexible event objects (which are passed around as plain JSON) and uses standard public-key cryptography for keys & signing. This makes it easy to run relays and build clients and ensures that the protocol can be extended over time.


Because Nostr doesn't rely on a small number of trusted servers for moving or storing data, it's very resilient. The protocol assumes that relays will disappear and allows users to connect & publish to an arbitrary number of relays that they can change over time.


Because Nostr accounts are based on public-key cryptography it's easy to verify messages were really sent by the user in question.

Like HTTP or TCP-IP, Nostr is a protocol; an open standard upon which anyone can build. Nostr is not an app or service that you sign up for.

To understand more, read Nostr.how

Last updated